Entrepreneurs Soundboard helps small and medium enterprises
Entrepreneurs tell their story
Extraordinary real-life stories
Our mentors have knowledge of
Mentoring entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs Soundboard has been counselling SME entrepreneurs at every stage of business since 1980
At business start-up, in all aspects of business operations, in bankruptcy prevention and in business succession.
We do this in a 6-month sounding board process. We match the entrepreneur’s question with the mentor in their own region who is competent in the field. Our mentors are motivated former entrepreneurs and specialists who volunteer their knowledge and practical experience to help entrepreneurs.
Our mentors make a difference
‘Great to volunteer my experience and expertise to the next generation of inspired entrepreneurs.’

We help entrepreneurs
Low cost: we ask for a donation of € 200,- for 6 months of soundboarding.
6 months mentoring
Since 1980, we have helped more than 100.000 entrepreneurs